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What is the procedure to book an ambulance service?

Booking an Emergency Ambulance in Hyderabad / Bengalore /  is now easy with Ambulance Squad Team, to get help to book right ambulance for you nearby by calling Ambulance Squad Services :

In some emergency situation patients don’t have to wait for asking about ambulance via phone call or by some other means. Certainly nobody would want to get in the situation to book an ambulance, however, sometimes the situation demands us to book an ambulance to save our beloved family member or friend. We all gotta know how the exact procedure to book ambulance.

Procedure to book an ambulance in India – Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai.

when you are in an emergency, the first thing you need to do is approach a Hospital or Hospital Ambulance care casualty with your safety in mind and try to get the intensity of the situation. If the situation is not safe for you or the casualty. no more thought! Just call an Ambulance. Ask someone to call an ambulance and guide them till they arrive to spot if you are alone all an ambulance yourself.

Keep a note of these things before you call an ambulance:

6.Phone number

Then call an ambulance and explain your note, guide an ambulance driver or dispatcher with all the required details till they arrive the spot
once they reach the spot, they will take over. However, you can help them with your observation of the patient, situation and other things that matter a most to make a decision
Decide the hospital nearby where the patient can be taken and see if you can inform the concerned hospital with the patient situation so that they can be ready to handle the casualty.

List of few emergency numbers in India

112 – the National emergency number you can call these number to book govt ambulance, inform police and fire.
108 – GVK National ambulance service number, operates in the majority of Indian states. you can call these number to book govt ambulance which will pick up and drop the patient at near by govt hospital only.
102 – state-operated ambulance, you can also call this number to book state-operated ambulance.
Ambulance Squad emergency helpline, you can call this number to book any Ambulance Squad partnered private ambulance across India Delhi, Hyderabad,Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Kochin,get emergency medical assistance and get details of nearest hospitals details.


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